
Dr. Zhe Peng is currently a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to joining ISE, Dr. Peng was a Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University, working closely with Prof. Jianliang Xu, and was the Blockchain Technical Director at SF Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University under the supervision of Prof. Bin Xiao, Master’s degree in Information and Communication Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China, and Bachelor’s degree in Communication Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University. He was a visiting scholar in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stony Brook University, supervised by Prof. Yuanyuan Yang. His primary research interests include Blockchain, Web3, Artificial Intelligence of Things, Data Security and Privacy. He has published a series of papers in prestigious journals and conferences, such as IEEE TMC, IEEE ToN, IEEE TDSC, ACM SIGMOD, ACM CCS, IEEE ICDE, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE IROS, etc.


We are looking for highly self-motivated Postdoctoral Fellows and Ph.D. Students who are interested and experienced in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence of Things, Data Security and Privacy. Applicants are welcome to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) and other prestigious Scholarship Schemes. If you are interested, please email me your CV, transcript, and publications.

Undergraduate and MSc students seeking URIS or dissertation supervision are also welcome.

  • Blockchain
  • Web3
  • Artificial Intelligence of Things
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2018

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • M.E. in Information and Communication Engineering, 2013

    University of Science and Technology of China

  • B.E. in Communication Engineering, 2010

    Northwestern Polytechnical University

Recent News

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May 2024
Two papers were accepted by IWQoS 2024.
May 2024
One paper was accepted by ICaMaL 2024.
Jan 2024
Serving as a Guest Editor for Computer Communications special issue on Smart Blockchain Network Empowered Metaverse and Web 3.0. Welcome submissions!
Nov 2023
Our paper VFChain on Blockchain-based Federated Learning was recognized as an ESI Highly Cited Paper.
Sep 2023
Serving as a Guest Editor for Big Data and Cognitive Computing special issue on Data Security and Privacy in Blockchain-Based Decentralized Applications. Welcome submissions!
Jun 2023
I joined the department of ISE at PolyU as Research Assistant Professor.
Mar 2023
Our paper SymmeProof on Blockchain Confidential Transactions was accepted by IEEE TDSC.
Oct 2022
Serving as a Guest Editor for IET Blockchain special issue on Blockchain Databases. Welcome submissions!
Aug 2022
Our paper BlockShare on Blockchain Data Sharing was accepted by IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin.
Jun 2022
Our paper EPAR on Augmented Reality was accepted by IROS 2022.


Research Assistant Professor
Jun 2023 – Present
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
Research Assistant Professor
Jan 2020 – Jun 2023
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong
Blockchain Technical Director
Oct 2018 – Dec 2019
SF Technology
Shenzhen, China
Visiting Scholar
Sep 2017 – Feb 2018
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, USA


I have been teaching the following courses as a course leader.

  • ISE2001 Introduction to Enterprise Computing
  • COMP7200 Blockchain Technology
  • COMP4137 Blockchain Technology and Applications
  • COMP4087 Selected Topics in Web Technology and Data Engineering
  • COMP2865 Fundamental of Data Analysis and Management

Journal Editorship

  • Associate Editor, IET Blockchain, 2022 -

  • Guest Editor, Computer Communications (JCR Q1), 2024 -

  • Guest Editor, Electronics, 2024 -

  • Guest Editor, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2023 -

TPC Member

  • IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2024

  • IEEE ICDE Workshop on Blockchain and Data Management (BlockDM), 2021

  • IEEE ICNP Workshop on Blockchain and Mobile Applications (BlockApp), 2021

  • IEEE ICDCS Workshop on Blockchain and Mobile Applications (BlockApp), 2020
